Looting Lore items


Lifetime Member
Sep 27, 2007
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I use the following line in my macros to handle the adv loot window. I have been running into a confirmation dialog box lately for lore items. If you have an item that is lore once equiped you can still loot many of them but you get a window asking are you sure you want to loot that duplicate item. Anyone have a line I can add to this to handle that button?

        /if (${Window[AdvancedLootWnd].Open}) {
            /delay 1s
            /advloot shared setallto <Name>
            /delay 2s
            /advloot shared setallto Leave 
            /delay 2s
            /hidec all 
I don't have the details on the Loot Lore Equipped window, I can share a couple things that may help.

This will always set the person getting the loot to YOU (as the looter):
/notify AdvancedLootWND ADLW_CLLSetCmbo ListSelect ${Window[AdvancedLootWnd].Child[ADLW_CLLSetCmbo].List[${Me.CleanName}]}

If you use a different toon as the looter, it can be set as:
/notify AdvancedLootWND ADLW_CLLSetCmbo ListSelect ${Window[AdvancedLootWnd].Child[ADLW_CLLSetCmbo].List[LOOT_MULE_NAME_HERE]}

Also, checking if the looter is alive is a minor, but helpful check:
/if (${Me.PctHPs}>1 && ${Window[AdvancedLootWnd].Open}) /notify AdvancedLootWnd ADLW_CLLSetBtn leftmouseup

Finally, I added a timer variable and I set it randomly, so I may loot the corpses in 5 secs, or over a minute from the time they show up. I've also added random things that happen under certain circumstances:
different characters argue
they roll for loot AND celebrate / pout
they randomly wonder a little bit around the camp (wip)
they individually request afk breaks (also semi still wip)

and I'm looking at more.

Thx to botters being harassed so much, I've taken a much more active "what would a real person do" approach to my botting.

I have my macros watching for other PCs that are nearby - especially line-of-sight, but I haven't added anything like a "person nearby timer". If I do, it'll be something like NOSYJERK comes within 100 feet, timer1 sets for 15 secs, timer2 sets for 3 mins (off the top of my head guesses). At the end of timer1, a couple of characters face them and ask: WHAT? or DO YOU NEED SOMETHING? or SORRY, WE'RE CAMPING HERE, etc After the timer2, they just say, "heck with this, our item isn't dropping. camp is open" and port out.
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